Envy: The Feeling Can Help Us Even When It Hurts [Preview]
嫉妒可以傷害我們,也可以幫助我們 (搶先閱讀)
Wanting what another person has can spur us to better ourselves
Envy. Socrates viewed it as “the ulcer of the soul.” Shakespeare's Iago, in Othello, gave us the term “green-eyed monster,” forever tingeing it an emerald hue.
In Dante's Divine Comedy, once resentful individuals trudge through purgatory with their eyes wired shut, never to see the world through jaundiced lenses again.
Most of us are well acquainted with this powerful sentiment, often defined as the pain of occupying an inferior position relative to another and a desire for what that other person has. The yearning could be directed toward a gleaming red Ferrari, a fortuitous business deal or something as simple as a piece of Scharffen Berger chocolate.
Among the seven deadlies, it occupies a unique position: it's the only sin that is never fun.
大部份的人都很熟悉這強大的感受,通常都會被定義為痛苦,像是擁有比別人還要低階的地位,或是想要別人擁有的東西。這種渴望可以直指一輛閃閃發光的紅色法拉利、幸運的商場交易,或是單純的一塊Scharffen Berger牌的巧克力。在七宗罪中,嫉妒有著特別的定位"這是唯一一個永不快樂的罪惡"
In Brief
- Feelings of inferiority and desire can spur us to bring down our competitors—or to better ourselves.
自卑感與欲望可以激勵我們打倒對手,或是使自己更好。 - Our ability to successfully control envy impulses is hampered by outside factors such as stress, exhaustion and inebriation.
我們成功控制慾望衝動的能力,會受到壓力、疲憊與酒醉等外在因素所妨礙。 - Transforming malicious envy into its more productive cousin, benign envy, may be a way to harness the emotion's power to motivate.
This article was originally published with the title Untangling Envy.